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21 Day On line Men's Intensive with Debbie

Loving your inner boy

6th - 27th July 2020

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My Child Within


"I found my child within today, 
For many years so locked away, 
Loving, embracing, needing so much, 
If only I could reach in and touch. 
I did not know this child of mine, 
We were never acquainted at three or nine, 
But today I felt the crying inside, 
I'm here I shouted, come reside. 
We hugged each other ever so tight, 
As feelings emerged of hurt and fright. 
It's okay, I sobbed, I love you so! 
You are precious to me, I want you to know. 
My child, my child, you are safe today, 
You will not be abandoned, I'm here to stay. 
We laughed, we cried, it was a discovery, 
This warm, loving child is my recovery."


Kathleen Algoe

Dear Men,


After successfully launching the 21 day Men's Intensive in May I was profoundly inspired by the men's healing and transformation around their relationship with their inner boy. You can read some testimonials below and I hope you will be interested in joining me in July.


On this 21 day online intensive you will reclaim and liberate your little boy within and bring him home to play. You will cultivate a deep, loving, and nurturing inner relationship between your boy and the inner mother energy. 


Your inner mother was founded on your relationship with your own mother and this will affect your relationship with the boy within. You will bring awareness, love, and compassion to transform your childhood relationship with your mother. You will discover and embrace the “good enough mother” inside and offer that to your boy. If your boy's needs aren’t being met he may be running your life in unhealthy ways in an attempt to heal himself. It is never too late for you to provide your little boy with what he needs.


Your boy within holds the key to your innocence, sensitivity, aliveness, sense of wonder, spontaneity, fun, and joy. By deepening the relationship with your inner boy you will create a safe and protective environment for your boy to blossom and express himself freely.


Our journey will be experiential and we will use daily practice to explore through creativity, dialogue, movement, and play. Insights and learnings will then be grounded through action.


During the Intensive you will:


  • Enhance and bring to life your relationship with your inner boy,

  • Focus on building a loving, safe, nurturing relationship between your little boy and your inner mother,

  • Release any anger, sadness or fear your little boy is still carrying from the past,

  • Affirm your boy's innocence, and purity, and reignite his sense of wonder, spontaneity, fun, and joy,

  • Transform beliefs, values, and misunderstandings that don't serve your higher good,

  • Explore your relationship with your own mother, through the eyes of love and compassion, and see how you can learn from and transform what didn’t work for you. From this, you can become the “good enough mother” inside and meet your inner boy's needs,

  • Bring your boy's qualities, essence, and expression to life so that he can play and enrich your world.


Our journey will be an invitation to awaken the energy of the boy and the loving mother within to build a healthy inner relationship. We will use ceremony, ritual and meditation to create a sacred circle and powerful field for transformation.  


This Intensive is only for men, and no previous experience is needed. If you have completed the Noble Man, this will support you to integrate and ground your experience.


This Intensive allows us to explore and practice together, connect, grow, heal and deepen in community. Come and take your seat in the circle as we deep dive into the wisdom of Grace.


Email Debbie at

“Inside every adult, there is a child crying, “Let me out”"

Full cost £125, £95 if booked by 22nd June.

Join the sacred circle now




“I would recommend Debbie's 21 day intensive for any man looking to nurture his relationship with his inner boy. The daily structure and rhythm Debbie provided were exactly what I needed in order to make the time and space in my life for this most important aspect of me - and I was greatly rewarded through doing so. I feel closer to my little boy than ever. I have a greater understanding of his needs, how he shows up in my life and his qualities as they exist in me. As well as enriching my relationship with him, the intensive has enriched my relationship with my actual children, particularly my 11 year-old son (who is remarkably like my inner child). Through the intensive I've made more space for playfulness and spontaneity in my life. As ever, Debbie held and guided events beautifully, providing a loving and feminine energy throughout.” K, May 2020

“Loving your inner boy was a beautiful experience held tenderly by Debbie and shared with compassionate men.  The meditations are lovingly crafted and allowed me to access aspects of my inner child and memories that I didn't know I even held.  The daily exercises helped me keep connected and on track throughout the week and I was surprised at the depth of feeling they bought up in me, some of these practices I have continued to use to connect with my inner boy.  I left the 21 days with a feeling that my inner boy has a safe place to come home to now and it fills me with joy.” J


'A deep & truly sublime healing journey. I was blown away by the sense of deep feminine holding in this course- the feeling of being 'well held'. What opened up for me was suprising, challenging & ultimately - super deep healing. Highly highly recommended. This is the real deal here.' B

"Thank you Debbie so much, for this very generous gift over 21 days.  I've done inner child work before and was afraid my inner boy would be angry with me or reject me for not paying him enough conscious attention, even though I knew about him.  He was wary and watchful at first but with Debbies help I've created a safe place for him.  He knows he has good allies now.  I've experienced his rage, sadness and vulnerability, and discovered my love, affection and gratitude for him and the joy, innocence and enthusiasm he brings to life.  Looking after him better, and listening to what he enjoys, helps me make better and happier choices about what I do with my time and who I spend it with". J

'I recently completed the 21 Day Online Course 'Loving Your Inner Boy'.  I was a little skeptical about doing this work virtually but was pleasantly surprised by how powerful it actually was.  The group Zoom calls with the other men were great and the daily emails with tasks meant that I stayed focused.  Debbie held space with a lovely balance of safety, clarity and kindness.  The whole experience was deeply appreciated and I would have no hesitation in recommending other men to sign up and also take the opportunity to deepen their love with their little boy.' M

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