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Anchor 1

A Celebration of Woman – The Goddess

"I was recommended by a friend I trust, and I came not knowing what to expect. It turned out that I was actually terrified of what I'd let myself in for! I leave with new friends I trust and having had an experience of such beauty, profundity and love that I hardly know how to put into words - and as a writer that is rare. This work is a priceless gift for all women: give yourself this gift. "



"I received the treasure of the feminine that lies hidden inside of me by seeing it reflected in this group of wonderful women. Pure beauty, love, power, endurance and joy."



"This experience has been so special and sacred. It has been testing, 

















heartbreaking, overwhelming and most of all accepting and loving. It has really allowed me to look within myself and allow me to feel everything that I needed to feel. The sadness, the shame and the guilt .... I cannot wait to continue to let it out ..... and be Ok with it !!! Thank you for such an amazing gift."



"If you wish for the best present to give yourself, then come and know yourself as a woman, as love, as the Goddess, as your truth. Your sisters are waiting for you. Much love from one of them."



"Gina and Debbie hold a deeply loving and supportive space, where I was able to step into the powerful and confident woman that I truly am. I felt deeply seen, heard and received. This work is truly life changing as it supported me to fall deeply in love with who I truly am and see the essence of woman shining forth uniquely in each woman who sat in circle with me. I will never feel alone again, knowing that I will always have my sisters alongside me reflecting back to me who I truly am and the gifts I have to offer."


Anchor 2

A Celebration of Woman II – The Queen

"I have learnt that I can hold my child, maiden and giving more space and holding for what is to come. I have learnt that kindness and compassion also go with Power. That my masculine is a Tree standing as a Peace Chief protecting and holding my feminine. And that I can hold complexity, paradox and contradiction. This workshop is connected to true essence and allowing what is to emerge and be home. " 



"This experience has bought me to my knees - I bow down to my darkness, to my light, to all that I am. I am amazed and I am overjoyed to finally be basking in the love and sensuality of my Aphrodite. I am a freed woman!" 





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"I absolutely love this work. I felt deeply held and loved throughout the weekend. I reclaimed my "no" and with that a clear "Yes" to life, allowed life deeply in, to love me, to hold me and to nurture me. May life itself live this life now.." 




"The sacred circle of women is a place for the deepest healing and transformation it is difficult to imagine such magical change happening in such a short time. I feel held, safe, loved, more alive and myself. COB is a gift to all women."


Anchor 3

The Noble Man

Testimonials from Women who held space at the Noble Man:

"The experience has opened my heart to the masculine. It has been both overwhelming and beautiful to see them in their essence. I came for forgiveness and to also forgive the masculine, and this workshop has enabled me to do so, and as a result progress with my own healing."



"Deepest, deepest, thanks to you gorgeous inspired women, for such a powerful weekend and for the incredible energy that you all brought to this. A truly spectacular process. To watch the layers coming away from each man, and see him become more and more vulnerable, deep, and in his true essence was such a privilege.


Each man was so beautiful, as he confronted his innermost desires, buried

Anchor 4

fears, hopes and dreams. And then witnessing each man really step into his masculinity, in the way that was true for him. "



Testimonials from Male participants:

"If, like me, you are a man who, deep down, feels that women are going to hurt you in one way or another, then this will bring you back into warmth and the love that women have to offer, life changing."



"A unique container, safely and thoughtfully held, where men may experience their unresolved issues and unfulfilled relations with women. An overt celebration of a healthy dance between the masculine and feminine both within and without ourselves.

This work is part of an essential evolution taking place at this time for both men and women, which is a realistic hope for a safer, healthier, less conflicted and more joyful world.


Thank you for creating the space that allowed me to retrieve my projections on the feminine and receive a transformation of my masculine essence and the vital importance of balance.


Blessings on great work."



"The Noble Man weekend has enabled me to experience the possibility to face my fear with love and an open heart. The weekend was incredibly well held, and provided an intuitive space to allow each participant to make their journey. This work felt deeply connected and guided, where ever our deepest fear are welcome and acceptable."



The Power of Love

Testimonials from Women participants:

This is life changing stuff! I take away with me a deep knowing of truth and honesty about my real self. I don't need to perform, be perfect, complete, capable and strong. I can be vulnerable, delicate, soft, open and trusting and still be in my power as a woman. I can be and I will be."


"What I have experienced this weekend I had not believed was possible. I will walk away from here in all my glory as a woman who can be weak strong, passionate and above all in my vulnerability. To embrace "man" and no longer be afraid."




"I have learnt to open my heart in a safe and loving environment, surrounded by a strong masculine presence. I have reawakened my desire, something I thought was gone forever, I would NEVER have found this amazing feeling of euphoria and freedom anywhere else. Thank you from the bottom of my vulnerable and loving heart."



"I have been witness to unwavering masculine availability this weekend. This has empowered me to believe and trust in a new level of experiencing around men. My fragility, my courage and my brokenness was held and witnessed in a safe kind, nurturing way. I received the apology I have always craved from the masculine. An insightful, forgiving and magnificent experience."



:Testimonials from Men who held space at the Power of Love



"A beautiful experience - it was a real honor and a priviledge to assist and hold space for the woman and witness their transformation. I also feel like the men bonded deeply and I really loved the unique contribution of each of the men and the range of different qualities of masculinity we all brought to the team"



"The workshop has transformed my life. It opened my eyes to reality. The wonder of the feminine and the opportunity to discover the real me, and allow me the ability to have a relationship with myself as a man, and then to have a true relationship with a woman. The mysteries of a woman was released in all its beauty"



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