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Celebration of Women - The Goddess

Get Ready for the Most Magical, Life Changing Woman's Workshop of your Life!

“We have a job to do, reclaiming our glory. It’s work and it will not please everyone. … For far too long we have forgotten we are cosmic royals ….When the Goddess is ready to re-emerge, she re-emerges. There is no person, or law or institution that can hold her back. Like the energy of Christ, of which she is a part, the Goddess finds her way into the hearts and minds of millions of individual women, and they change”  


                                                                    Marianne Williamson

Women all around the world are waking up to an innate yearning to be fully conscious, fully expressed and to be revealed, recognized and appreciated as the beautiful and powerful women that they truly are.


This workshop will give you back the freedom to know and love yourself totally as a woman;


Would you love to stand in your magnificence as a woman and trust who you are?

Are you ready to let go of the past and live in the present moment?


Do you long to meet with others from a space of love, presence and authenticity?


If the answer if Yes, come and join us and change your life forever! 


Celebration of Woman is Raw, it is Real and it will Rock your Soul!  


More about this workshop...


This workshop includes a Rite of Passage; if you feel that this is a time in your life where you are ready to step in to a whole new experience of yourself as a woman, just come! We are here, ready to guide you into fulfilling your hearts longing! 


Here's what you can expect to experience:


•          A safe place to let go, and be the authentic, wild, passionate, sensual, vulnerable YOU!

•          An experiential journey of discovering the archetypes of woman that live within you

•          Dance and movement that will free your body, mind and heart

•          Sharing our struggles and our longings as women waking up

•          The remembrance of sacred sisterhood that nurtures and soothes the Soul

•          Powerfully intuitive support by Gina and Debbie

•          A rite of passage that honours and celebrates the emergence of your unique feminine             essence 


A testimonial from a previous participant, for more click here:


"I was recommended by a friend I trust, and I came not knowing what to expect. It turned out that I was actually terrified of what I'd let myself in for! I leave with new friends I trust and having had an experience of such beauty, profundity and love that I hardly know how to put into words - and as a writer that is rare. This work is a priceless gift for all women: give yourself this gift. "



27th Feb - 2nd March 2025 - Waiting List


11th - 14th September 2025 - Now Booking



Winchester House, Isle of Wight,

3 hours by train from Waterloo



Thursday 5pm and finishes on Sunday @2pm



Full Cost  £870 + £174 VAT = £1,044

Early booking £800 + £160 VAT = £960 early booking is 8 weeks before the workshop 


Includes all food and accommodation


Revisit cost:  £720 + £144 VAT = £864


To book:

£195 deposit required followed by final payment eight weeks before the workshop or via a payment plan 


Click here to view full booking terms and cancellation policy.

Click here for details of our Bursary fund.

Click here for travel information for Winchester House â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


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Company No: 10610694                  VAT Registration No: 407 7496 72                                       

Tel: 07810 156739 / 07940 788734                                                                                                                     Diversity & Inclusion Statement


Registered Address: Pear Tree Cottage, Rodden, Frome, BA11 5JL

Designed by Harry Tanfield and Debbie Beauchamp                   ©  2010 Celebration of Being                                       

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