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Celebration of Women II - The Queen

Get Ready to deepen and further enrich your life by embracing your Sovereignty.
It will be life changing!

Celebration of Woman - The Queen 


“The growth of a girl into a woman, a princess into a queen, is not a liberal transition.  Like any true creative flow, it is radical.  That is not to say it is angry or harsh.  But it is radical, the way truth is radical – and birth and art and real love and death.  It changes things!”

                                                                       Marianne Williamson


This is the sequel to "A Celebration of Woman - The Goddess" workshop. We have revamped and refreshed this workshop to reflect our last few years of deepening even further into the feminine through embodiment.


It is a deeper journey into living the power, passion and mystery of the Divine feminine that is you. 
It will empower, inspire and build on the foundations of your Goddess experience. It is for all those who have tasted the energy of the Goddess and want to expand it by creating and embodying a vision for themselves and living it.


Fully claiming your inner sovereignty is about living a life devoted to what is most important to your feminine heart, and bringing this and your unique essence to the world for the healing and enrichment of all.
We will continue the exploration of what stepping into your truth means and what your Queens vision is for living this in the world. You will own and honour all aspects of yourself, including your dark and shadow aspects, in a safe sacred circle.

We will be:
* Stepping into taking full responsibility for your life
* Opening yourself through your body and heart
* Owning and honouring the shadow and bringing it into the light of your compassionate awareness
* Identifying your Queen's vision and how to sustain that in your life
* Fully owning and expressing your voice, your love and your passion
* Exploring what it means to live from your essence and how to be the source of your own joy
* Honouring the unique qualities and gifts you have to bring to the world
* Letting the rip roaring power, and passion of the feminine Spirit come more fully alive 
The Initiation will be a deeper experience of letting go into and trusting the Divine


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 24th - 27th April 2025 - Full (waiting list)



Winchester House, Isle of Wight



Thursday 5pm and finishes on Sunday @2pm



Full Cost  £1,050 + £210 VAT = £1,260

Early booking £910 + £182 VAT = £1,092 

early booking is 8 weeks before the workshop


Includes all food and accommodation


To book:

£195 deposit required followed by final payment eight weeks before the workshop or via a payment plan. 



Celebration of Woman - The Goddess Workshop


Click here to view full booking terms and cancellation policy 

Click here for travel information for Winchester House 

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