Power of Love
Men's On line Immersion
Exploring your relationship with the feminine
Sunday 15th May 2022
9.30 am - 1.30 pm UK time

Dear Men,
In light of the continued restrictions on meeting in person we have created an on-line event for men to provide a space for you to explore and deepen into your relationship with the feminine.
One of our guiding principles is that each person is a unique expression of both masculine and feminine principles. Embracing both aspects within leads to grounded peace and wholeness.
We are holding this space for you to connect with your brothers to explore, reveal and liberate issues and/or resentments with the feminine whilst being witnessed by both the masculine and feminine.
Join us, and together we'll embark on a deep and powerful journey to:
bring your issues and resentments with the feminine 'out of the dark' by sharing them and having them witnessed by men and women.
release any blocked energy within these issues and resentments and uncover within them a source of power, aliveness, and compassion.
Connect with your inner divine feminine as a foundation of wisdom and safety.
Use meditation and movement to drop deeper inside to connect with your guidance thereby facilitating more clarity and direction.
The event will be led by the facilitators of Noble Man, Debbie Beauchamp and Gina Holland. They each have over 20 years of experience of leading transformational workshops for men and women. You will have an opportunity to feel the holding and support of the divine feminine, resting as naturalness and wisdom.
The cost is £50 if booked by 1st May, £60 thereafter. Concessions are available just email us. Spaces are limited so please book by emailing: info@celebrationofbeing.co.uk
It's a journey you don't want to miss and we look forward to being with you then.
With love and gratitude
Debbie and Gina