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21 Day On line Mixed Intensive with Debbie & Hugh

Guiding your Inner Teenager to Freedom

5th - 26th September 2023

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In this 21-day online mixed intensive, you will guide your inner teenager to freedom. You will be invited to cultivate a deep, loving, and curious relationship between your inner teenager and your adult self. 
When we transition from child to teenager, we look to separate from our parents and find out who we are as individuals beyond the beliefs of our parents and the social environment we have been shaped by.
If this transition is supported and guided by honouring and respectful parents, we find confidence in ourselves and create a new identity. Sadly, when loving, present parents don't support this, as adults we can feel lost in the world and lack confidence in who we are. To protect ourselves as teenagers, we develop new defence mechanisms to survive.
Your inner teenager holds the key to your sense of adventure and your ability to fearlessly take risks and try new things. This is the part of you who approaches new opportunities with gusto and confidence and who is excited to rediscover who you are, again and again.
As your adult self deepens your relationship with your inner teenager, you will create a safe and protective environment for you to evolve together into a vibrant adventurous future.
Your journey will be experiential, and you will use daily practices to explore through creativity, dialogue, movement, and curiosity. Your insights and learnings will then be grounded through action.
During the Intensive, you will:
·       Enhance and bring to life your relationship with your inner teenage self.
·       Focus on the adult self creating a loving, safe, supportive, curious relationship with your inner teenager.
·       Explore your relationship with your parents, how they influenced your teenage years, and who you have become.
.        Release any repressed emotions your teenager is still carrying, such as; anger, sadness or fear.
·       Transform beliefs, values and misunderstandings that don't serve your higher good.                          
·       Affirm your teenager's life force energy, aspirations and dreams and sexuality. From this place you can speak your truth and find joy in being alive,
·       Discover what your teenager is seeking and how you can meet that need.  
·       Bring your teenager's qualities and expression to life to enrich your world.
Your journey will be an invitation to awaken the energy of your teenager. We will use ceremony, ritual and meditation to create a sacred circle and powerful field for transformation.  
This Intensive is for men and women; no previous experience is needed. It would be useful if you have done some inner child work.
This Intensive allows us to explore and practice together, connect, grow, heal and deepen in community. Come and take your seat in the circle as we deep dive into the energy and wisdom of the teenager.


Email Debbie at

£195 Full cost, £175 if booked by 15th August. Join the sacred circle.


Practical Information:   

The course includes:

•    The programme starts at 7 pm UK / 8 pm CEST on Tuesday 5th September via live Webinar*. We will gather online for an opening ceremony which will include an intention-setting ritual.
•    There will then be live Webinars every 7 days on Tuesday 12th & 19th September at 7 pm UK / 8 pm CEST which last @ 1hr 30 mins - 2 hours. 
•    We will conclude via Webinar at 7 pm UK / 8 pm CEST time on Tuesday 26th September with a closing ceremony to support the integration of your journey’s wisdom into your life.
•    On other days you will receive a daily email. These will offer practices and inspiration to deepen your inquiry for that week.
•    In total, there are 4 webinar calls during the programme. The Webinars will be recorded so you can catch up if you miss any and re-listen to them as many times as you want.
•    On the live Webinars there will be an opportunity to share insights and wisdom with each other.
•    You will be co-facilitated and guided by Debbie Beauchamp and Hugh Newton. 
•    You will have the option to will be connected via a closed Facebook group. This will be a sacred space to share and support each other as we journey together.
•    Throughout the duration of the course, we will connect to the healing, wholing, and holy power of the circle, where the mystery connects and flows.
•    Cost £195 early booking discount £175, if you registered by 15th August. Please contact us if you require a concession or payment p

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The online Intensive is created and co-facilitated by Debbie Beauchamp and Hugh Newton. Hugh is a Mankind co-leader and was an accredited Shadow Work Facilitator and Coach. He worked as Head of Programs and Training at A Band of Brothers for 6 years and now runs his own training company. Click to find out more. Debbie is is co-director and facilitator of leading edge contemporary inner growth work for women and men which includes the Celebration of Woman and Noble Man experience. Debbie is also a BACP accredited counsellor and family constellation facilitator.  Click to find out more.


Testimonials from previous participants on 21 day Intensives facilitated by Debbie and Hugh:

"I knew for a long time that working on my father daughter wound would be of benefit to me, though it felt like such a big wound to step in that I almost didn’t dare to do so - so when I saw the Temple for Healing the Father Daughter Relationship coming up through Celebration of Being I felt the calling to step into the circle.
Trusting that Debbie and Hugh will provide a very profound space for me to safely explore my little girls wounds - and I can full heartily say that the trust was put in the right souls as there are just no words that can describe how nurturing and eye opening the temple was for me. The voice of the feminine wisdom and strength via Debbie paired with the voice of the caring and loving father via Hugh cut deep into my wounded soul, opened what needed to be released and put a nurturing seed for self healing in its place.
I am truly grateful to myself for going on the journey with them and so very grateful to the two for holding such beautiful space and with that profound grounds for healing."



​"Debbie and Hugh provided a safe and gentle space to feel my gathering wounds fully. The workshop was facilitated online with space to understand my inner loving father is available and there for me unconditionally. I felt empowered to let go of past resentment and a new fresh embodiment of a supportive inner loving father that consistently holds my emotions. Very grateful to Debbie and Hugh for such a sacred and well held temple."



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